Cha Om
RM 4.30
200g per packet
Known for its pungent and savoury taste that is almost the same as petai (stink beans), Cha Om is a versatile addition to your culinary repertoire. While its raw flavour is pungent, cooking transforms it into a mild and pleasant addition to any dish. Packed with vitamins A, B, and C, calcium, iron, and fibre, Cha Om supports healthy vision, strong bones, digestion, and immunity. With its antioxidants and traditional uses for soothing ailments, Cha Om is a flavourful and health-boosting ingredient to enhance your meals! Perfect for stir-fries, soups, or as a fragrant addition to omelettes, Cha Om is easy to prepare—just blanch or stir-fry with your favourite seasoning.
以其浓郁且略带类似臭豆(petai)的咸香味而闻名,有机羽叶金合欢 (Cha Om) 是您餐桌上的多功能佳品。虽然生食时味道较为辛辣,但经过烹饪后,Cha Om 的味道会变得温和宜人,是各种菜肴的完美搭配。Cha Om 富含 维生素 A、B 和 C、钙、铁和纤维,能够促进:
✔️ 健康视力
✔️ 强健骨骼
✔️ 改善消化
✔️ 增强免疫力
此外,Cha Om 还含有抗氧化剂,并在传统上用于缓解各种不适,是一道既美味又健康的食材,为您的餐食增添独特风味!无论是用作炒菜、煲汤,还是增添蛋饼的香气,Cha Om 都非常容易烹调——只需用热水焯一下或搭配您喜欢的调料简单翻炒即可。
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