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RM 30.00
1kg RM 30

Muscovies have 50% more breast meat than other ducks. Muscovy meat is 98% fat-free, so is one of the healthiest, leanest meats on the market. Muscovy meat is lower in calories than turkey meat. Muscovy meat tastes so good it's compared to a sirloin steak, veal, or quality ham. 番鸭的胸肉比其他鸭类多出50%。番鸭肉的脂肪含量仅为2%,因此是市场上最健康、最瘦的肉类之一。番鸭肉的热量比火鸡肉更低。番鸭肉的口感极佳,经常被比作牛腰肉、嫩牛肉或优质火腿。

Frozen Muscovy Duck (Itik Serati Beku)

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